It is easy for Christians to forget the importance if spending regular, daily time with the Lord. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this. One can have a personal Quiet Time or they could spend time listening or singing praise songs after dropping the kids off at Mother's Day Out.
A close, personal connection with the Father is accomplished via short (or long periods) of personal prayer time. Meditating on a specific Bible verse while sitting in the car-pool line is a great way to focus your attention of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. This is not a time consuming activity, but it still brings about our needed connection with the triune God.
Why do we fail to connect with God in these ways? Most often, it's because we have over-extended ourselves in the busyness of life, marriage, children, work, family, and friendships. Another part of that is, we get distracted by the multitude of stressors, distractors, and worries of life on earth. During difficult economic times, we are often more concerned with how we are going to pay the rent and buy the groceries than our daily connecting with God. We might be more aware of how we need to connect with our husbands than we are of God.
We don't need to be legalistic about Quiet Times. Legalism can be just as devastating to our walk with God than skipping a Quiet Time. God simply wants us to be intentional and purposeful in our pursuit of Him.
An often forgotten means of connecting with God is going on personal, spiritually directed, silent retreat. This type of retreat can be a real shot in the arm for our spiritual lives. A three day, five day, eight day, or thirty day retreat can be a life-changing experience. It is most often a wonderful way to put aside the worries and woes of this world for a deliberate length of time and focus on the Lord and our personal journey with Him.
If you have never heard of a "silent retreat," try not to nix it before you understand the benefits of it. Just because something is new to you, it doesn't mean that it is not a powerful tool used by God to turn our hearts and our faces back to Himself. If you are a child of God, that means He has called your name and you responded to His call and invitation. The next part of your journey is learning to stay connected and directed by Him each day for the rest of your life.
May today be a great day of connecting with the Father.
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