Hope you enjoy the blog; may it bless and encourage you!

Murphy Geer Toerner

My photo
Austin TX and Baton Rouge, LA, United States
I enjoy helping people. I am an encourager and I can see the good in others. I want people to understand what it means to be an authentic Christian and not just a religious "nut." I believe if Christians lived and loved others as Jesus lived and loved others, we would experience more of heaven on earth than hell on earth. These thoughts and writings are intended to encourage you to be who God originally designed you to be. They are also intended to challenge you and make you think. Also, I want you to know that I'm praying for you every day. Blessings, Murphy Blessings to you, Murphy

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life Is ...

Life is an opportunity; benefit from it.

Life is beauty; admire it.

Life is bliss; taste it.

Life is a dream; realize it.

Life is a challenge; meet it.

Life is duty; complete it.

Life is a game; play it.

Life is a promise; fulfill it.

Life is sorrow; overcome it.

Life is a song; sing it …

Mother Teresa

Monday, May 10, 2010

Man's Character; Wife's Countenance

Someone recently quoted Coach McCartney, "If you want to know a man's character, look into his wife's face, her countenance will reveal it."

This is true for the most part, but she has to have decent character to begin with! If a wife is a control freak or a fear junkie, nothing a husband does will ever be good enough in her eyes.


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